Why Use an Air Quality Monitor at Home?

Why Use an Air Quality Monitor at Home?

Although we think of our homes as our personal sanctuaries or shelters, it’s unavoidable that we also encounter danger indoors. The air quality alone can affect your health. And with some harmful gases being colorless and odorless, air quality monitoring is needed for everyone’s safety.


Reducing indoor health risks is one of the main benefits of air quality monitoring. However, it also improves quality of life, enhances mood, ensures building compliance with laws and regulations, and prepares families for any hazardous emergency. This is why SOLUM Group has developed SOLUM Roommate.

Why SOLUM Roommate is the ideal air quality monitor for home

As a smart air quality monitor, SOLUM Roommate can help make your home safer and more livable. It’s equipped with an air quality sensor, a temperature monitor, a 3-color LED indicator, built-in motion sensors, and an interactive user button. It also comes with a user-friendly app. Every feature can help you create a safe and welcoming home. Here’s why you should use this as your air quality monitor:

It helps families monitor the air and be aware of airborne contaminants and pollutants

SOLUM Roommate can monitor the air around your living space. It can also detect certain pollutants and alert you when you’re at risk for dangerous exposure. Monitoring your air quality at home can save your family and protect you from harmful gases and pollutants.


Americans, for example, spend approximately 90% of their time indoors, where concentrations of some pollutants are often 2 to 5 times higher than typical outdoor concentrations. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), approximately 400 people die from unintentional carbon monoxide (CO) exposure in the United States every year.


There are also unfortunate, widespread emergencies that will affect air quality even inside your home. This includes volcanic eruptions and activities, as well as forest fires or wildfires. Just recently, smoke from the wildfires in eastern Canada sent an unhealthy haze toward the city of New York. The Air Quality Index hit 484 on June 7th, with the max on the scale being 500. Anything above 300 on the government's air quality index is considered hazardous.


Having an air quality monitor for the home, especially in areas susceptible to these natural disasters, is an advantage. Your family will be ready and will be able to protect themselves from hazardous air.

It’s energy efficient

SOLUM Roommate, unlike other air quality monitors, is energy efficient. It consumes little power at a rate of about 25W monthly, which won’t make a significant change to your energy consumption and household costs. It also requires no adapter to function. You can easily plug it into any outlet in your home, and it will immediately start monitoring indoor air quality for you.

The mobile app is convenient

SOLUM’s smart air quality monitor also comes with the Roommate App. This mobile app gives users all the convenience and comfort of monitoring indoor air quality. Once connected, the app will show the findings of the sensor through a comprehensive dashboard. It will provide all the data you need, such as air quality, temperature, humidity level, and discomfort index.


Apart from indoor air quality findings, the SOLUM Roommate App will also inform you about the weather outside and what pollutants may be in the air for that day. This will allow you and your family to stay safe in your own homes, while also protecting you when you go outside. This mobile app will be helpful for everyone in the household. 

It’s easy to use and understand

Using the SOLUM Roommate doesn’t involve any complicated processes at all. All you need to do is plug it into an outlet, download the SOLUM Roommate app, and monitor air quality findings there. The plug-in device itself also has an LED indicator that can flash colors depending on the quality of indoor air. It can turn blue for “Good” air quality, purple for “Moderate”, and red for “Poor”. This way, anyone walking inside the room can easily determine the air quality.


This ease of use is beneficial for households with small children and the elderly. This means anyone of any age can use and understand the Roommate functions and features. You can teach kids and seniors how to use it and how to read findings from the LED.

It helps protect those with respiratory conditions

Family members with respiratory conditions or fragile immune systems are also taken care of with SOLUM Roommate. Monitoring the air quality can ensure that people with certain conditions are safe and are not in danger. Loved ones with asthma, COVID-19, lung cancer, pneumonia, and more can rest easy knowing that the air they breathe is clean. 

It fits into modern or smart homes

SOLUM Roommates can easily be a part of modern or smart homes as well. This smart air quality monitor has a sleek and unobtrusive design that can fit into modern or minimalist living spaces. Its technology also makes it simple to connect to smart homes. Those who are incorporating smart technology into their homes for convenience and extra security will love the addition of a reliable air quality monitor.

It helps prevent household air pollution

Household air pollution also poses a danger to families. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this happens because of the use of inefficient and polluting fuels and technologies in and around the home that contain a range of health-damaging pollutants. It’s also a fact that household air pollution was responsible for an estimated 3.2 million deaths per year in 2020, including over 237,000 deaths of children under the age of 5. It can cause stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, and other deadly conditions.


You need to be more vigilant about the air around you and how it can affect your family. A smart air quality monitor for a home like the SOLUM Roommate is a good first step. Use it to be more watchful and prevent air pollution in your own household.

Overall, SOLUM Roommate is here to help keep homes habitable for everyone. You want your homes to be safe havens, a place of comfort and security for the whole family. That won’t be possible in a suffocating and harmful environment.


Get a smart air quality monitor for homes now. Contact SOLUM today to get started on SOLUM Roommate.


SOLUM Marketing


Air Quality Monitor, SOLUM Roommate
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