Pros and Cons of Using Fast Charger for Electric Cars

Pros and Cons of Using Fast Charger for Electric Cars

As the usage and ownership of electric vehicles (EVs) expand, it’s normal to compare slow chargers and fast chargers for EVs. Whether people are topping up cars or buying a new EV in the first place, the charging situation is one that needs to be considered closely. Fast charging for electric cars is a popular choice, and it can be a good option for you. However, you need to make sure that a fast charger fits your needs specifically. You need to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of fast EV charging.


What is a fast charger for electric cars?
A fast charger for electric cars is a charging station that provides a higher charging power compared to standard chargers. Because of this, EV drivers spend less time waiting for their electric vehicles to fully charge.

A fast charger is usually one that is a Level 3 charger or a direct-current fast charger (DCFC). Level 3 chargers use direct current to charge the battery of an electric vehicle in as little as 20 minutes, or around an hour. This is a significant difference from the Level 1 and Level 2 chargers, where they are known to charge EVs for hours—ranging from 10 to 40 hours.

Out of all the EV chargers and charging speeds, Level 3 chargers are currently the fastest and most commonly found in public places and establishments.

What are the pros of fast charging for electric cars?
Most EV drivers prefer fast charging. With the significant reduction in charging time, it’s no surprise that it’s starting to become a popular option for many EV drivers and e-mobility enthusiasts. It also offers several other advantages that contribute to the overall convenience and wider adoption of electric vehicles.

Here are the pros that come with a fast charger for electric cars:

  • Reduced charging time - Of course, the primary advantage of fast charging is the significant reduction in charging time compared to standard charging methods. This makes electric vehicles more practical for daily use, especially for drivers who may need to charge during a short break or while on a longer journey.
  • Location convenience - Fast chargers are usually found in public. They are often strategically located along highways, major routes, and in urban areas. This makes it more convenient for electric vehicle owners to access charging infrastructure when needed. As a result, this can reduce range anxiety and make long-distance travel more feasible.
  • Enhanced technology and accessibility - Fast chargers employ technologies that are designed to be more user-friendly and accessible. Many charging stations are equipped with advanced features. This includes touchscreens, digital payment systems, and real-time information on charging status. This makes the charging experience more straightforward and efficient for users.
  • Supports long-distance travel - Fast charging is particularly beneficial for electric vehicle owners who need to cover long distances. The ability to quickly recharge allows for more extended travel ranges. This makes electric vehicles a practical choice for road trips, out-of-town traveling, and cross-country journeys.
  • Flexibility for drivers - Fast charging is useful for drivers with varying daily commutes and travel patterns. Whether it's a quick top-up during a lunch break at work or a faster recharge before heading home, fast chargers provide flexibility for different driving scenarios.
  • Cheaper charging - Fast chargers are usually cheaper than standard or slow chargers. This is because fast chargers for electric cars have efficient technology and use less electricity than other chargers.
  • Better charging infrastructure - The deployment of fast charging infrastructure helps build a more robust and extensive charging network. This expansion is crucial for the widespread adoption of electric vehicles, making them a viable option for a larger portion of the population.


What are the cons of fast charging for electric cars?
While fast charging offers a lot of benefits, there are also a few setbacks to consider as a driver. These things should also be at the forefront of decisions about charging or installing a charging station for your own.

Here are the cons of a fast charger for electric cars:

  • Initial cost of infrastructure - The cost of purchasing and installing fast charging equipment, both for public charging stations and home installations, is generally higher than that of Level 1 or Level 2 chargers. The installation of high-power charging stations requires substantial investments in equipment, land, and electrical infrastructure. This cost may deter some individuals or businesses from investing in fast-charging infrastructure and stations.
  • Battery degradation - Some fast chargers for electric cars generate higher temperatures within the battery. Repeated fast charging sessions can also contribute to accelerated battery degradation over time. This may lead to a reduction in overall battery life. This can also potentially affect the long-term reliability and performance of the electric vehicle.
  • Limited vehicle compatibility - Different electric vehicle models use various charging connectors and standards. This can lead to compatibility issues with fast charging stations, necessitating adapters, or multiple charging ports on the vehicle. Standardization efforts are ongoing to address this challenge.
  • Chances of EV charger hacking - EV charger hacking has been happening more and more as people switch to electric vehicles. This happens when EV charging stations are connected to the internet, which makes them vulnerable to potential hackers and malicious purposes.
  • Reduced charging speeds at higher battery levels - Fast charging is most effective at lower battery levels, and the charging speed tends to slow down as the EV battery approaches its full capacity. This means that the last portion of the charge can take longer, which can lead to a less consistent charging experience for some.


Like in many situations, fast charging for EVs has both advantages and disadvantages. As a driver or an EV owner, you need to consider all these pros and cons and decide if it’s the ideal choice for you.

If you’re a driver who likes to travel and discover different places, fast EV chargers might work out just right for your lifestyle. You just need to make sure that you’ve considered the setbacks thoroughly and are ready to face them head-on. You can do this by choosing fast chargers like the SOLUM Fast Charger, which doesn’t need an Internet connection to function. With the SOLUM Fast Charger, drivers will be able to utilize modern EV charging technology without worrying about EV charger hacking, inefficient charging, or plug-type compatibility.

Here are some of the benefits of using a SOLUM Fast Charger for your EV:

  • High-speed charging solution with DC charger line-up
  • 12.1-inch full-color and touch LCD display to operate and monitor the charging status efficiently
  • 1CH and 2CH configurations equipped with multiple DC plug-in options with CCS1, CCS2
  • Adopted newly eco-friendly power consumption technology
  • IP54 rating for dust and water protection for outdoor use
  • Support CCS1, CCS2, and 6M-long cable reach to provide accessibility
  • Multiple plug-type options
  • User-friendly interface for users
  • Advanced safety features for safe EV charging

Planning to install your own fast EV charger for your home or business? Talk to SOLUM Group experts now and learn more about our fast EV charging solution.

SOLUM Marketing


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