How to Track Loved Ones with G-LoRa Devices

How to Track Loved Ones with G-LoRa Devices

Knowing how to track loved ones is a must, especially for families with toddlers and the elderly.

Family is important to a lot of us. The need to protect each other is always present. There’s also nothing wrong with wanting to keep our families safe anytime and anywhere. However, this task might be challenging as various family members have different schedules and activities, working environments, health conditions, and more. Knowing how to track loved ones might be the advantage you need. In this case, SOLUM G-Lora is the ideal solution.


How to track loved ones using the SOLUM G-LoRa
SOLUM G-LoRa is a reliable location tracker for any situation. Whether you have a busy lifestyle, travel frequently for work, or have loved ones with certain cognitive disorders, this tracker can help you check in with your family and make sure they are safe.

SOLUM G-LoRa is a sleek, hangable tag tracker. Unlike traditional GSM-based trackers, this one transmits data via the LoRa® network. This essentially means that it can cover a larger area, but will use less battery power than conventional GPS trackers. The tag can also be recharged via a micro-USB port.

Here’s how to get started with SOLUM G-LoRa and the steps on how to track loved ones:

  1. Hang your G-LoRa tag on clothes, personal belongings, or even pet collars or leashes
  2. Download the app from the Google Play Store or iTunes Store and log in
  3. Press the user button on the SOLUM G-LoRa, and wait for the status display LED to blink in blue
  4. Link and register the product in the app
  5. Enter a product name or assign a name to the tag and finish the registration process
  6. Start tracking your loved ones all in one app
  7. Make sure to charge your tags when low on battery!


What are the ways SOLUM G-LoRa can help you keep track of loved ones?
Using the G-LoRa is as easy as using any other app on your mobile phone. With a few clicks, you will be reassured of your loved one’s safety. You can get some peace of mind knowing that your family is safe and secure, and feel calm knowing their whereabouts. Here are the ways it can help you keep track of loved ones:


You can establish safe zones
Using the app, you can create up to three safe zones for your loved ones. These safe zones could be schools, workplaces, or grocery stores. Establishing safe zones within the app means you’ll get notified if someone wearing SOLUM G-LoRa enters or leaves such a zone. You’ll know when your loved ones have arrived at their daily destination, or when they’ve left and are on the way to another location.


You can receive distress calls
SOLUM G-LoRa tags are equipped with an SOS button. This will come in handy for any emergencies or accidents, should they happen. Users can press the SOS button when in distress, which in turn will send instant alerts within the app. This can help families send help, alert authorities, and call for other reinforcements to respond to the emergency.


You can monitor children’s activity
Keeping your children safe and sound is also a big responsibility, one that SOLUM G-LoRa can help with. Globally, almost 70 million girls between the ages of 15 and 19 report having been victims of some form of physical violence. Boys are likely to experience physical violence and threats from bullying as well.

With this tracker, you’ll be able to monitor your kids’ activity and location. Whether they’re playing outside, having a sleepover with a neighbor, or at their school for the day, you can be reassured that they’re safe.


You can keep seniors and the elderly safe
SOLUM G-LoRa can also help track and monitor seniors and elderly people, especially those with cognitive disorders. This includes Alzheimer's disease or early-onset dementia. Even in the early stages, it's common for a person with dementia to wander or become lost or confused about their location. Around 40,000 people with dementia go missing for the first time every year in the United Kingdom. Having a reliable trackable device can help families keep their elderly loved ones safe and sound. It can also help them prevent going missing or getting lost.


You can view the location's history
Another security measure you can count on with SOLUM G-LoRa is the fact that it saves location history for up to the past 10 days. This means you can check the location history of your loved ones. Use this to check where your loved one got injured or has gotten into accidents. You can also use it to check where they went when they started feeling sick or unwell. Use this to trace all the places they’ve been and see if you should avoid those places next time or not.


Why tracking loved ones is more important than you think
While tracking your children, spouse, or other loved ones might seem excessive for some, it’s becoming more of a necessity in the world nowadays. Knowing how to track loved ones can be a lifeline in the right moments.

In the United States, property crime rates in cities climbed slightly between 2020 and 2021. Total violent crimes also jumped sharply in 2020 and rose slightly in 2021. Tracking your loved ones gives you a sense of calm or clarity, especially when you know there’s an emergency in your neighborhood or your city. Whether you and your family are away from each other or away from home, you can keep track of each other’s whereabouts and make sure they’re safe.

Visiting a new city or going on a vacation with your family is exciting. However, it also poses a challenge to everyone’s safety. Navigating a new place can get confusing, but tracking can help. Tracking helps you check in with your family and make sure they’re not lost in an unfamiliar city or country.

Having a tracker within the family also allows you to be more respectful of anyone’s personal space. Young teens won’t want their parents to call or text them every hour. They want their personal space, and they don’t want to be bothered at all times. Tracking can be like a safety net for parents and guardians. You can check your kids’ locations, just to make sure they’ve reached their destination when they go out or that they’re not in any danger when going home.

It gives you a chance to respond to emergencies quickly. Trackers that have emergency alerts and distress calls allow parents and other authorities to respond more quickly. Whether they’re having a medical emergency, in the middle of a natural disaster, in a chemical or fire accident, or a victim of a crime, you can easily send help to your loved ones.

Of course, family members being upset at the idea of being tracked is inevitable. Kids and teens, especially, will want privacy, boundaries, and independence. You need to make sure to give these to them and reassure them that you’re not taking away their personal autonomy in any way. Make it clear to them that you’re tracking their location for their health and safety. Practicing self-control and giving them your full trust is also a good sign that you won’t be excessively tracking them 24/7.

Tracking your loved ones is now an essential part of modern living and safety. With a solution like SOLUM G-LoRa, you can be sure that your family is not in harm’s way and in a safe place.

Talk to SOLUM Group today and learn more about SOLUM G-LoRa.

SOLUM Marketing


G-LoRa, Track Loved Ones
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