Different Ways to Track Your Child with GPS

Different Ways to Track Your Child with GPS

It’s normal to worry about your children. As parents, you always want the best for them. You want them safe, and you want to protect them from the horrors of the world. Fortunately, with the advancement of technology, GPS tracking has become an invaluable tool for keeping a watchful eye on your little ones.

According to the FBI’s National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Missing Person File, there were 93,718 active missing person records at the end of 2021. Juveniles under the age of 18 account for 30,400 (32%) of this number.

Tracking devices can help ensure your children’s safety. Now, you can track your child with GPS tracking and more. You can do it without your children needing to use phones as well.


How can I track my child without a phone?
Using smartphones is usually the go-to way for parents to track children and know where they are. You send them a text, give them a call, or give them a chat on Facebook Messenger or any other social network your kids use. They respond about their whereabouts and let you know. Some parents have created a system with their children, and it works.

However, not all parents can use phones to communicate with and track their children. Some children might be too young to use or understand phones. Other children might have cognitive disabilities or disorders that hinder them from using complicated devices. It could also be that you might not be ready to give your child their own smartphone yet. There are also situations in which you may not be able to contact them through their phones, including accidents, natural disasters, stolen or lost phones, and more. In cases like these, you’re going to need another solution to track your child.

There are still ways you can track your children without them using a phone. In fact, you can track your child with GPS instead.


Different ways to track your child with GPS
Instead of your children using a phone to communicate their location, you can always track them with GPS (Global Positioning System) and other tracking technology. These various methods will help you keep in touch with your child and ensure their safety, no matter their whereabouts. Here are the different ways you can track your children:


Phone tracker app
First, you can use your phone to track your child without texting or calling them using a phone tracker app. Phone tracker apps can be beneficial for parents who want to give their older children their own independence, but still want the chance to ensure their whereabouts.

You only need to download the app on your phone and your child’s phone and set up your accounts. Once your accounts are connected, you’ll be able to see the location of your children. You can use phone tracker apps to check on your child. You can see their current location, check if they’re at a familiar location if they’re driving or taking a ride, and more.

This method allows parents to easily check on their child without disrupting their day or being a little too strong or strict. There are numerous phone tracker apps available nowadays. Take the time to look for the most ideal one for you and your family.


Another great way to track your child is by using SOLUM G-LoRa. SOLUM G-LoRa is a reliable location tracker for any situation developed by SOLUM Group. This attachable tracker is powered by LoRa technology, which means it transmits data via the LoRa® network. This innovative network allows the tracker to cover a larger area while using less battery power.

Much like the phone tracker app, tracking your child with SOLUM G-LoRa also involves using a tracking app. To start using it, you only need to attach the tracking device to your children’s clothes, bags, or other items they will have on their person. Next, you need to download the app on your phone or any mobile device, then link and register your G-LoRa tracker into the app. After that, you can monitor your child’s real-time whereabouts and their activity.

Use SOLUM G-LoRa and its mobile app to create safe zones so you can be notified when your child arrives or leaves a place. You can also view your child’s most recent locations within the past 10 days using the app. Perhaps one of the most important features of the SOLUM G-LoRa device is that it has an SOS button, which children can easily press in case there are any emergencies, accidents, or trouble.

This tracker is a good method for parents who want to track their children for longer periods, especially when they travel for school, an outing, a short field trip, or more. This is also a good choice for those with kids who don’t know how to use mobile devices or apps yet.


Wristwatch with GPS
Modern wearable technology can also be used to track your child. A good example is smart wristwatches that are GPS-enabled. Simply, use the Find My app on iOS, or Find My Device on Android to track a smartwatch.

If the watch is currently connected to a phone via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, using Find My Device or Find My app will show the current location of the watch, and therefore the wearer as well. If it’s not currently connected, it will still show the last location where the phone and the wristwatch were connected.

This method is easy and straightforward for you to track your children’s location. You can also use this to track metrics like the distance they’ve traveled, their speed, and even their pace.


Keychain with GPS
Lastly, keychain GPS trackers can also be useful for parents tracking their children. These keychains are easy to use and can be attached to children’s keys, wallets, backpacks, lunch boxes, lanyards, and more. Trackers like this are easy to link to your child’s belongings since they look like ordinary keychains.

Most of these keychain trackers also need to be connected to mobile apps on your phone, just like the other trackers. They can transmit data to your phones, which will allow you to track various locations. Once connected, you can use these keychains with GPS to track your children discreetly and safely.


How do GPS trackers work?
GPS, or Global Positioning System, is integrated into various systems or trackers to determine the exact location of a person, device, vehicle, or more.

GPS uses a network of satellites to determine the location of a GPS receiver. Basically, these satellites transmit signals to GPS receivers anywhere on the ground. These receivers include smartphones, tablets, GPS trackers, GPS navigation systems in vehicles, and more. The receiver triangulates its position by processing multiple data from multiple satellites. This is how GPS trackers work, and this is how you’ll be able to track your children with various trackers.

Tracking devices and GPS trackers allow parents to protect their children in little ways, no matter where they are. Keep these various tracking methods in mind as you look for more ways to keep your child safe.

SOLUM Marketing


Track Your Child
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